Wednesday, January 10, 2007

So, LULAC...Why aren't my sons criminals?

This week has seen a new level of stupidity added to the local debate of illegal immigration. In a Monday interview on KRLD, Dallas LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens) President Jesse Diaz responded to the fed's recent study of a 100 illegal aliens who were arrested and released for breaking local and state laws. (These were aliens already in the States, not seized by ICE, and all of whom broke laws after their arrival. The report cited that the 100 had been arrested for an average of six times each.)

The reason why these and other illegal aliens are criminals is obvious to Mr. Diaz: it's OUR fault. These folks are merely victims of the American culture.

"Now that they come to the United States, they're picking up those bad habits of shooting [and] drinking drugs," he said.

(Read the Dallas AM News coverage in this link: )

Mr. Diaz's interview on KRLD went on to describe how our American culture is the root cause of the deterioration of their Catholic upbringing, their rampant teenage pregnancies, their love of exceptionally baggy trousers, the destruction of their family structure that "stays together forever." In his mind, life is good and wonderful and clean and wholesome in the Mother Country Mexico. It's only after their arrival in our country that all Hell breaks loose and they lose themselves to the degradation that is America.

I don't think so, Scooter.

It seems to me that these 100 had a huge headstart. Perhaps with those loving drug cartels Mother Mexico is reknown for...?

Mr. Diaz, you've committed an incredible disservice to your own community by espousing this ludicrous drivvel, at least to the Hispanic families who invested in teaching their children right from wrong AND holding them strongly accountable! Instead of giving these criminals a justification for their illegal behaviour, you should be hammering home AND SUPPORTING the rebuilding of strong families, going to church instead of snorting crack, USING CONDOMS, staying in the free schools we so generously supply (even if you're an illegal alien), and holding these thugs accountable when they screw up as royally as these 100 have done and apparently continue to do!

So, if the good ole USA is at fault for these poor, poor scumbags, how come my sons and the so many other Mothers' sons, including a huge ton of Hispanics, are not criminals? They've been here ALL of their lives, subjected to daily onslaughts of our American culture, but they don't do drugs, stay in school, pay for their own cars and gas, and their only brush with the law has been in driving faster than the speed limit in municipalities???? Could it be the American culture that embrues them in the truth that hard work, dedication and self-respect are the keys to success?

And could it be that the reason why my sons don't wear baggy trousers is because I came up behind them, time after time, and yanked the damned things to their knees, and as often as possible in public?

God bless America. And if you don't like it, Mr. Diaz, you know the road South. And please take a few "guests" with you when you go.